Ty is eight months old! Our little man is finally scooting!!! He does an army crawl, lies on his stomach and pulls with his hands and pushes with one leg. It's super cute! He says "dada", sometimes waves (usually with both hands), loves when Mommy reads "Bert and Ernie's First Book of Opposites". He can even point to Ernie or Bert when I ask him where each one is in the pictures. He loves pointing at things and just looking at his pointer finger. He is sooo ticklish and his laugh is so infectious we can't help but laugh with him. Ty enjoys talking on the phone or rather listening to people talk to him on the phone and breathing heavily through his mouth. Sometimes we can get him to say hi, "haa". It's one of my favorite things.
Cords are irresistible to him. If he sees one he has to suck on it, pull it or munch on it. He is still toothless and seems to be quite content to be so for awhile. He sometimes gums on rice cakes, wheat toast, gold fish or Kix. He likes when we sing "The Wheels on the Bus", Pat a Cake, and his favorite song to listen to is "Tapioca" from "Thoroughly Modern Millie", he loves those musicals, what can I say. :) He makes faces at us to get us to laugh, he is very expressive. He may look like his Daddy but he definitely has his Mommy's personality. As far as I'm concerned I have the cutest, smileyest, smartest, most loving and bestest baby in the world. We love having him in our lives and are so excited to be a part of all of his new accomplishments.
Laughing cause he sees himself. |
Cute goofy face |
Loving being in the big chair. |
He can hold himself up and pull himself up to standing! |
I guess he's trying to do a spell or something. :) |
He loves leaning back and being goofy. |
Cutest monkey I ever saw. |
Watching Baby Geniuses and playing along. |
Yes he is watching it so intently that his mouth is open. I tried to distract him but he was focused. |
He loves looking at himself. |
First time holding a bowling ball. |
Playing with his balloon palm tree with a monkey. He loves balloons. |
Ty with Sparky or Daddy? |
Doesn't he look way too old? |
Loves wearing Daddy's baseball hats. |
He's having a ball and Gracie is terrified. Yes we were cracking up laughing. :) |