This was written in June of this year. Ty is 16 months and I can't believe it!! He is the cutest ever! He talks ALL day. Can stand up on his own, will walk confidently while holding someones hand, loves animal books and can say "pish" (fish), "woo" (woof), "doc" (dog), "cack" (cat), "cack" (cup (yes I realize its the same sound but I promise it means 2 things )), "cuack" (quack), "duk" (duck), and "dada". He has yet to say anything with an "m" sound so no "Mamas" yet. He will take random steps so he can walk but he refuses to cause he's really cautious. We also think it's because he might think he's a dog. He is obsessed with Gracie's food bowl and water bowl. He HAS eaten her kibble and plays in her water ALL the time. Sometimes when he drops food on the ground he just bends over and picks it up with his mouth (Like Gracie). She is his best friend and they play all day together.
Ty loves learning new words and is constantly pointing at things wanting me to tell him what they are and what they do. He likes climbing on things, pushing buttons, playing with tupperware, emptying and filling the dishwasher with Mommy, emptying and filling the clothes washer with Mommy, climbing the stairs with Mommy, crawling outside and playing in the rocks, listening to music, dancing, and singing (he actually sings, when I practice singing he will sometimes match my pitches and sing scales with me. The other day he was just playing in his own little world and singing to himself, it was so cute :)).
On February 16th Ty turned 1 year old!!! Here are some pics from the celebration:
I can eat sugar? |
This is fun!! |
Opening presents |
He was twins with his friend Gabriel who is 1 week older. |
He didn't want to share his new scooter. |
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The whole gang! |
Sorry this is soooo belated! Ty is already 18 months now. Stay tuned for more updates!